Monday 5
1882: Robert Goddard born
1923: Edwin Hubble finds Cepheid variable stars in galaxy M-31
1962: European Southern Observatory founded
1984: STS-41G Challenger launched
Tuesday 6
Mars closest approach
1990: STS-41 Discovery launched
1992: NASA and RASA sign Human Spaceflight Agreement to share astronauts and cosmonauts
2008: MESSENGER spacecraft makes its second flyby of Mercury
Wednesday 7
1885: Niels Bohr born
1959: Luna 3 returns first images of the lunar far side
2002: STS-112 Atlantis launched
2010: Soyuz TMA-01M launched carrying ISS Expedition 25/26 crew
Thursday 8
Draconid meteor shower
1873: Ejnar Hertzsprung born
Friday 9
Last Qtr Moon 8:39 PM ET
Draconid meteor shower
1604: Kepler’s Supernova observed
2009: LCROSS detects water on the Moon
Saturday 10
1846: William Lassell discovers Triton, moon of Neptune
1980: Very Large Array dedicated
1983: Venera 15 orbits Venus
2007: ISS Expedition 16 crew launched
Sunday 11
1968: Apollo 7 launched
1969: Soyuz 6, 7 & 8 in space at once
1994: Magellan mission ends
2000: STS-92 Discovery launched
2005: Shenzhou 6 launched
2018: Soyuz MS-10 launched carrying ISS Expedition 57/58, in-flight launch abort