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Theory of Relativity explained in 6 images!

The theory of relativity usually encompasses two interrelated theories by Albert Einstein: special relativity and general relativity. Special relativity applies to all physical phenomena in the absence of gravity. General relativity explains the law of gravitation and its relation to other forces of nature.

Let us try to understand theory of relativity in 6 images

1. Time is the fourth dimension 

  Our universe is a 4th dimensional universe not 3D and the 4th dimension is nothing but time!

It is the 4th dimension, but in a different sense than simply going from 2D to 3D. The reason why time is regarded as the 4th dimension is that in relativity, we have to include the time coordinate in describing events fully in space along with the time, called the space-time coordinate.

more details go to : spacetime

2. Gravity travels in the form of waves

Upto Einstein we think that GRAVITY is only one of the fundamental force in the universe. But Einstein said not only that but it is the GEOMETRY of spacetime.
Let us do an experiment put a massive ball into a streched rubber sheet. we can saw it bends now put some small balls randomly.
Our observation will be the small balls rotating the big massive ball.
Like this in presence of massive objects space time bends and smaller object will rotate massive in the curvature of spacetime.
Now assume what happens if a massive object fall into a big rubber sheet. Or assume a stone fall into a lake? we could saw waves 
Yes this waves, Gravitational waves was predicted by Einstein 100s of years ago (1916) . After 100 years On 11 February 2016, the LIGO and Virgo Scientific Collaboration announced they had made the first direct observation of gravitational waves. ... In 2017, the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to Rainer Weiss, Kip Thorne and Barry Barish for their role in the direct detection of gravitational waves.
Ligo recorded the gravitational waves when combining two black holes. And we proved Einstein was right. and gravity will travels as waves!

3. Faster you move through space slower you move through time  


The speed of an object through space reflects how much of its motion through time is being diverted. The faster it moves through space, the more its motion is being diverted away from moving through time, so time slows down. ... Because there is no motion left for time … there is no passage of time at the speed of light.
Einstein give this equation for above situation. That is time dilation. 
If you are moving through space with a velocity v then time dilation you feel will be given by above equation. where t is real time and c is velocity of light.
This equation also give you the possibility of the famous TIME TRAVEL 
for example if you travel in a great velocity along he universe and back on earth you can saw that you will feel only little time and in earth it will be 100s of years 
For more understanding view INTERSTELLAR movie by Christopher Nolan.

4. Light speed remains constant 

It is a basic postulate of the theory of relativity that the speed of light is constant. This can be broken down into two parts: The speed of light is independent of the motion of the observer. The speed of light does not vary with time or place.
I will explain you with a simple example

 Hope you understand the meaning of this. Now i will tell you another important matter.
  we had already saw this equation now think what if we travel in the speed of light that is v=c
Hence denominator will be zero hence dilation will be infinity therefore 
 The maximum possible speed will be light speed. no one never can achieve the speed of light. I mean that the ultimate speed limit of the universe will be nothing but C!

5. Gravity is the curvature of space and time.

Place a mass down anywhere in the Universe, and the space around it will curve in response. ... We are taught that mass warps spacetime, and the curvature of spacetime around mass explains gravity - so that an object in orbit around Earth, for example, is actually going in a straight line through curved spacetime.
The curvature of spacetime (not just space) is responsible for gravity. Literally, near heavy objects, the “future direction” points slightly down. So anything that moves forward in time will find its trajectory pointing down slightly. This takes the form of downward acceleration.
For understanding this concept clearly see this video

Einstein predicted this more than 100 years ago and recent research's verify s Einstein is right after 100 years let us understand how brilliant is that brain.

6. Time slows down around heavy objects.

First, time appears to move slower near massive objects because the object's gravitational force bends space-time. Public Domain The phenomenon is called "gravitational time dilation." In a nutshell it just means time moves slower as gravity increases.
The great example is hope you watch interstellar full movie if done you could understand this clearly 
On that movie Cooper and Brand go to a planet which rotating a black hole. But Romilly stay at the spaceship cooper feel only an hour on that planet but after back to spaceship Romilly said them you had lived 5 years on that planet this is an example for time slow down around heavy objects.
for more accurate explanation watch this video

Now you may think that how complicated is this universe. This is only Relativity theory 
Hope you understand the theory of relativity comment below

Now i could conclude relativity theory on a single pic 
This is all the relativity theory. 

Not only these Einstein did lot of predictions and recent researches are proving them one by one

We had already proved gravitational lensing, Gravitational waves (LIGO) , Time dilation , Black hole(event horizon telescope) etc the predictions of Einstein.
Hope the science will prove White holes and Wormholes in small future and 
Let us dream the journey of human kind from one point of universe to another through a wormhole.....

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Research and Composed by

Abhinav P Pradeep, wayanad, Kerala, India

Twitter: Abhinav P Pradeep


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  1. Nice explanation i never got a explanation for relativity like this expecting more from your blog
    thank you

  2. I had read lot of articles about relativity but never like this you explained everything via pics and videos and after reading i feel a experience of a lecture

  3. Friend i like this blog can u explain about string theory and other complex theories like this

