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Week on space 24-30 AUGUST


Moon phase Monday 24

1966: Luna 11 was launched by USSR
2006: Pluto lost its status as a planet of our solar system 

Moon phase Tuesday 25

First Qtr Moon 1:58 PM ET

1965: President Johnson approves full-scale development of Manned Orbital Laboratory
1966Apollo-Saturn 202 launched
1981Voyager 2 flies past Saturn
1989Voyager 2 flies past Neptune
2003Spitzer Space Telescope launched

Moon phase Wednesday 26

1982: Anik D 1 Launched by USA

Moon phase Thursday 27

1962Mariner 2 launched
1984Teacher In Space program announced
1985STS-51I Discovery launched

Moon phase Friday 28

Ceres at opposition
Jupiter 1.4° north of Moon

1789William Herschel discovers Enceladus, moon of Saturn
1993Galileo spacecraft flies by asteroid Ida
2009STS-128 Discovery launched

Moon phase Saturday 29

Pluto 1.2° north of Moon
Saturn 2° north of Moon

1991: IRS 1B ISRO's Launched by Vostok 2M

Moon phase Sunday 30

1963Lunar Orbiter program approved by NASA
1983STS-8 Challenger launched; first night shuttle launch
1984STS-41D Discovery launched


Composed by

Abhinav P Pradeep, wayanad, Kerala, India

Twitter: Abhinav P Pradeep


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